Love is one of the most common topics. When doing workshops, Stefan Deutsch finds that most people believe they know what love is and that unconditional behavior is out of reach. Many health professionals agree (Frederickson ’13).
This a major problem.  
Stefan Deutsch’s theory and work have disproved this myth.  One place he points to is the ability of parents, especially mothers, who love their infants unconditionally. If we can do it with infants there is no reason we would be ‘incapable’ of doing it with children, teenagers, or adults.
What’s needed is for the public to be re-educated. Loving unconditionally is not only possible but necessary.   This has to start with re-educating the people best equipped and positioned to educate the public- the medical and wellness professionals. They and their clients must understand that love is not a sufficient goal; only unconditional love is. Clearly this immense omission creates enormous emotional suffering.
You may think that Deutsch is asking you to reach for the farthest corners of the universe, when in fact, he is simply asking you to start your journey by going to the moon. Every journey begins somewhere.
Register for our 10-day wellness training, to begin your re-education process. CLICK HERE.