We do this because we know food contains life-sustaining energy and we do not want our children to be dependent on others to feed them for the rest of their lives. Why food and not love, because we didn’t know that love also has life-sustaining energy. The consequence is that we never teach children to love themselves – to be self-sufficient in acquiring this nourishing energy. Hence children and adults continue to be dependent on others for love for the rest of their lives with painful results.  Loving energy contains the most important energy for a human being to thrive and be happy. When we are dependent on others in effect it means going “hungry” causing a lot of unhappiness.

The cornerstone of a satisfying life is learning to love oneself, in the humblest of ways, along with loving others, all done unconditionally.  Yes, love contains nourishment, which is necessary not only for infants but also adults. This will provide individuals with inner-peace and contentment, surrounded by people who know how to love.