Elements of a Perfect Relationship

Imagine finding someone who you seemed to know forever. Strange how much you think alike, though not always agreeing. This person knows your weaknesses and strengths, and is always nurturing and encouraging. You have the same sense of humor, laugh at yourselves, rather than others. You feel at ease being yourself - a very liberating feeling. You know you are not being judged or evaluated. You want to care for this person without caring about getting things in return. Sex is the last thing on your mind as you constantly look into his/her eyes. Read More...

Physical Attraction

The following are excerpts from Stefan Deutsch’s forthcoming book – I Know You Love Me…..

Physical attraction, passion, desire, infatuation, yearning, and needing, are energies we all confuse with loving energy. This confusion is very, very unfortunate. It is like confusing a beautiful painting of a feast with an actual feast. One may be great to look at but it does nothing for you if you are hungry. And that is the problem with having attraction, which is a key to selecting a person for procreation, be confused with let’s say respect, appreciation or acceptance, which are all behaviors that transmit nourishing energy. If you haven’t already been there…this is a good time to go to our page on Loving Unconditionally and read about the difference between these two energies and many others which are also like paintings of loving energy instead of the real deal. Read more...

Be More Attractive to the Opposite Sex!

There are two distinct categories: those elements which we have little or no control over and those that we have some or a lot.

Your physical appearance, your financial status, your education and present interests are those aspects of who you are that you can either do very little about, or that will take some time to change.

Grooming, for example, is one aspect that you have more control over. Looking squeaky clean and being nicely dressed are certainly desirable. Looking presentable also shows respect for yourself and for the other person.

But there is one element you have total control over. And in many ways it is the most important of all: YOUR SMILE! Read More...