• Slide 1 - Personal Development

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button loving unconditiionally

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Improve the Quality of Your Life

For over 30 years, individuals have benefited by producing real progress in all areas of their life as a result of our work and research.

Personal development is for anyone ready to improve the quality of their life and to create results that match the dreams and goals in their heart. Alternative words and phrases that sound like they describe this journey are transformation, evolution, and spiritual practice. Most are, in my experience, more difficult and time consuming journeys which may not always get you the results we can offer. Most of the religious, spiritual, or new age avenues are communal and inspiring but few are practical, simple and useful in a way that can help you achieve day to day results. The Human Development Company (THDC) is all about practical tools that can be easily learned and applied to one’s life no matter what belief or spiritual path you are on. Read More

How is THDC Approach to Personal Development Different?

Do You Live “The Promise of the Rose”?

“We never have to tell a rose…

…how to become a rose.,

We just plant the seed and nurture it…

…give it water and sunshine…

..and watch it………



…we are not that different from the rose. When we are born we have the blueprint for our happiness, purpose and mission in our back pocket. We are able to give and receive unconditional love, have total self-awareness, and are equipped to lead the most fulfilling and satisfying life possible.

And yet, as a child growing up, almost every well-intentioned adult with whom we came into contact corrected, criticized us, and inadvertently steered, directed or cautioned us away from sensing our purpose. Conditional love, comparison, and evaluation is the standard for child-training, damaging our self-awareness and full self-expression, and our ability to envision and love ourselves unconditionally. Now there is a Breakthrough in human development which promises to restore and rehabilitate all of our innate abilities needed for full happiness.

The Continuum Theory™

The Continuum Theory™ provides just such a new world view, a new definition of life span and therefore human development, which more fully explains human development, and opens up new worlds of possibility for reaching the optimum potential of each and every individual. Read more on The Continuum Theory...